A dietary support guide to reducing mould toxicity in your body

A dietary support guide to reducing mould toxicity in your body

A low inflammatory and low oxalate dietary protocol

A low inflammatory and low oxalate diet is a vital foundation to a mould protocol.

This needs to be tailored to the individual as there may be histamine issues and/or sulphur issues that need to be taken into consideration.

What does a low inflammatory and low oxalate protocol look like?

  • Nourish with meat, chicken, fish and primarily low to moderate oxalate vegetables and good fats. Use moderately high oxalate vegetables in small amounts. Keep fruits to a minimum.

  • One serve of low oxalate fruits per day, if permitted.

  • Use ground vanilla bean or cinnamon to 'sweeten' foods, if needed.

  • Coconut cream, coconut milk, coconut yogurt and desiccated coconut in moderate amounts.

  • Good fats, as tolerated. Good fats include pork lard, duck fat, coconut oil, MCT oil, ghee, olive oil, butter (if permitted) and avocado.

Low Inflammatory diet

Good fats are needed for your adrenals, hormones and neurological functioning. They are also needed to assist with the sugar reduction gap.

If you feel nauseous, experience fatigue or a heaviness after fats, then reduce amount of fats, and consult with your Nutritionist or Naturopath.

Some opportunistic microbes interfere with bile processes, making the metabolism of fats an issue. There are ways to support fat metabolism, using supplements such as Ox Bile or Carnitine, while you are addressing opportunistic gut bacteria levels.

Citrate based supplements or lemon juice with every main meal. The citrate will bind to and assist in clearing oxalates.

Avoid these foods:

  • Mushrooms until yeasts and/or moulds are reduced.

  • Starches and grains - this includes rice, quinoa, potato, sweet potato and corn.

  • Foods that contain moulds – pecans, cheese and corn.

  • Avoid dairy with the exception of ghee (and butter if recommended)

  • Avoid nuts and nut butters.

How long will you be on this dietary protocol?

This is not a question that can be easily answered. It depends greatly on the level of toxicity a person has in their body, the removal of themselves from the toxic environment or the time taken to remediate their environment, compliance to recommended protocols, improvement in detoxification etc.

It is best to consult with a Naturopath or Nutritionist who is well versed in low inflammatory and low oxalates protocols, along with a strong knowledge on mould protocols, to assist you to tailor your foods and detoxication.

Detoxification supplements to assist with the removal of moulds and mould biotoxins

Remember the number one most important part of a mould protocol, is to remove yourself from the mouldy environment or remediate your environment.

This may include removing books, paperwork, furniture and clothing from the house that may have been mould affected in a previous home or current home. This could also include removing carpets and vacuuming all areas with a HEPA filter.

If books and clothing are not removed totally from the house, they must be wrapped in plastic and stored in closed plastic containers and kept in an area the mould-affected person does not frequent.

Liposomal glutathione assists with the removal of the biotoxins and other toxins through the glutathione pathway in the liver. The liposomal form of glutathione is preferred.

Binders need to be included to pick up the toxins in the intestine system and carry them out in stool. Binders include Activated Zeolite, Bentonite Clay, Activated Charcoal, Silica, Chitosan, Humic and Fulvic Acids, Citrus Pectin and Chlorella.

Binders need to be tailored to the moulds as different binders have different affiliations to mould biotoxins.

Where someone has not completed MycoTox testing, and the species of mould present in their body are not known, there are broad binding supplements such as Bio Botanical Research’s GI Detox and Quicksilver Scientific’s Ultra Binder - Universal Toxin Binder that include a variety of binders in the one supplement.

Dependent on the sensitivity of the individual, both the liposomal glutathione and the binder should be started with small doses and worked up.

In time, anti-fungals and biofilm breakers are needed to address the moulds that have colonised the GI Tract.

What can you do to help your body naturally detox?

Swimming in the ocean daily, or daily baths or foot baths with magnesium bath salts are recommended to assist with detoxification.

Swim in the ocean

Often, when there is a high level of moulds present in someone’s body, their ability to sweat is impaired.

People with mould toxicity often feel better after an Infrared Sauna. The sauna should be for short period of time to begin with, often 10 minutes. Increase sauna time, as tolerated.

Sometimes the time taken in a sauna needs to be extremely lengthy for the mould-affected person to start to sweat.

Mould support through naturopathic supplements

In Part Two of my mould series, we will look at additional supplements often required when there is mould toxicity, such as trace minerals, oxalate binders and support for liver, kidneys and adrenals.

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