Mould Part 2: How To Test for Mould In Your Body

Mould Part 2: How To Test for Mould In Your Body

This blog is apart of a series of posts scratching the surface of moulds to providing you with information on:

This post provides direction in testing for moulds and how to address mould toxicity.  

Great Plains Organic Acid Test

Around 80% of my clients will complete the Great Plains Organic Acid Test (OAT).

This simple urine test is not specific for moulds however contains some mould markers.

The OAT covers a large range of markers, to give a broad overview of someone’s health.

We will go more in-depth into the OAT in future blog posts.

For those who would like to find out more about the OAT Test you can do so on the Great Plains website here.

A sample report can be viewed here

Mould testing

MycoTOX Testing

If mould markers come up on the OAT,  we may then look at specific MycoTOX Testing through Great Plains.

This will identify the mould(s) you have in your body currently, by measuring the Biotoxins moulds release.

There are ways to optimise your MycoTOX Test results such as Liposomal Glutathione supplementation for two weeks prior to taking the test (as tolerated), and having a sauna or hot bath (to induce sweating) just prior to the providing the sample.

When a person’s detoxification is compromised, they can sometimes come up with low readings on their MycoTOX testing. As these tests are expensive, I suggest you speak with a practitioner to assist you with optimising your results. 

Shoemaker’s VCS Aptitude Test

A simple, low cost test to indicate the possibility you have biotoxin issues in your body, is to complete Dr Richie Shoemaker’s VCS Aptitude Test online.

Mould are considered to be one of the biotoxins that can affect your ‘contrast vision’, which the VCS (Visual Contrast Sensitivity) measures. This test has 92% accuracy. If you do decide to undertake the test, please ensure you follow the instructions carefully in terms of distance from the screen and lighting etc. The VCS Test can be used along your healing during to monitor improvement. 

A Building Biology Home Assessment Worksheet can be accessed here, which covers moulds, among other things.

This can be quite handy to help you see where you can make some adjustments, which could make a significant difference.

Something as simple as opening windows each day, to allow some ventilation, can have a significant impact on someone’s health. 

Professional Building Biologist Consultancy

If you suspect moulds are an issue in your home or workplace, a registered Building Biologist is needed to identify where and what mould(s) is inside your home or work place. 

The most important first step when it comes to treating moulds, is to remove yourself from the environment where the mould is, or remove the mould.

You will NOT be successful in reducing the levels of biotoxins in your body, while you are constantly exposed to mould.

A Building Biologist will do sample testing for moulds throughout the house, including the roof space, eaves etc. This sampling, along with EMF sampling, can take 4 to 6 hours depending on the size and style of the house and what the Building Biologist discovers along the way. 

What about the emotional side of mould?

My next blog will touch on that.

Mould Part 3: The emotional side of mould toxicity

Mould Part 3: The emotional side of mould toxicity

Mould Part 1: How much mould exposure is harmful?

Mould Part 1: How much mould exposure is harmful?