Stooling, digestive issues, urination issues, pain, energy levels, sleep, mood, menstruation issues (if applicable) etc
Stooling, digestive issues, urination issues, pain, energy levels, sleep, mood, menstruation issues (if applicable) etc
Please include the drug name, frequency of dosing (e.g. once daily, twice daily) and dose amount (e.g. 10mg)
Please include the name of the supplement, frequency of dosing and amount of each dose (e.g one scoop, one capsule/tablet)
Which vaccines have you had since 2020?
What exercise do you do each week?
What mindfulness / meditation practices, joyful activities have you introduced recently?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. If there is any additional information you wish to share, you are welcome to do so in this space.
Please email test results, such as recent blood work to