Jacinta_Oconnor Gaps Naturopath Perth



Changing your nutrition and lifestyle can seem daunting. A complimentary 10 minute conversation is available to discuss how I can assist you.

How I Practice

There is now the science behind the long held belief that the foods you eat alter your gut microbiome, which in turn effect your physical and mental health.

News + Blogs

Support materials, latest research, videos and information on nutritional protocols and supplements impacting our physical and emotional wellbeing.

Jacinta OConnorGAPS Naturopath

Inspiring & Empowering Change

It is not all about nutrition! Our thought processes and patterns, exercise, habits and perceptions all have an impact on our physical health. It is vital to nourish your whole self. And I'm here to help you do that.


Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change

Arthur Burt